コレクション: TAMAHANA
TAMAHANA is a holistic beauty and wellness brand that focuses on providing all-natural and nourishing products for both body and soul, with a unique emphasis on the power of pearls. Inspired by traditional wisdom and modern innovation, TAMAHANA seeks to empower individuals to embrace self-care rituals that help them reconnect with their true selves and achieve overall well-being.
Key Features:
- All-Natural Ingredients with Pearl Power: TAMAHANA utilizes high-quality, natural ingredients, including pearl extracts, to ensure safe and effective products for customers.
- Holistic Approach: The brand promotes a comprehensive wellness approach, emphasizing the balance between mind, body, and soul.
- Sustainability: TAMAHANA is committed to eco-friendly practices, from sourcing ingredients to packaging design.
- Cultural Fusion: TAMAHANA blends ancient wisdom with contemporary innovation to create unique, highly effective products that harness the benefits of pearls.
Product Lineup:
- Skincare: Cleansers, facial toners, serums, moisturizers, masks, and pearl-infused products
- Body Care: Bath salts, body scrubs, massage oils, and pearl-based formulations
- Wellness: Aromatherapy, essential oils, and herbal teas with pearl essence
品牌名称:TAMAHANA (塔玛哈娜)
- 全天然成分与珍珠力量:塔玛哈娜选用优质的天然成分,包括珍珠提取物,确保产品安全且有效。
- 整体护理理念:品牌倡导全面的健康理念,强调心、身、灵的平衡。
- 可持续发展:塔玛哈娜致力于环保实践,从原料采购到包装设计都充满环保意识。
- 文化融合:塔玛哈娜将古老智慧与现代创新相结合,利用珍珠的益处打造独特且高效的产品。
- 护肤品:洁面、爽肤水、精华、保湿霜、面膜,以及珍珠浓缩产品
- 身体护理:浴盐、身体磨砂、按摩油,及珍珠配方产品
- 健康养生:香薰、精油、含珍珠精华的草本茶等